Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kate Gosselin Talks About Being Thrifty

The holidays are a busy time for most moms, but for Kate Gosselin, star of the TLC hit reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8, it's business as usual.

A master at managing chaos, Kate knows how to buy in bulk and feed a large crowd. "I'm a well trained shopper," the mother of twins (8-year-old Cara and Mady) and sextuplets (4-year-old Aaden, Joel, Alexis, Hannah, Leah and Collin) reveals.

Here she shares her holiday plans and tips for saving money.

What are your plans for Christmas?

"We're just going to continue our Christmas tradition of caroling. And we'll bake."

Are you working on songs for this year?

"I haven't started yet. But the kids are older now so they'll learn faster. Or we'll do the ones from last year!"

What gifts are the kids asking for?

"Well, we have 4-year-olds and I remember this from when Cara and Maddy were 4. They come running and say, 'Mommy, Mommy, I want this'... and I'll say, 'What is it? Where did you hear of that?' And they'll say, 'On TV!'

What kind of TV do they watch?

"They're Disney kids. And to be honest, our show is their favorite thing. They ask to watch it all the time. It's interesting. It's like them watching their memories."

Would you have ever thought 10 years ago you would be a TV star?

"No, it's ridiculously funny. I just think of myself as a mom so it's funny when people get all worked up about seeing us. It's not what I thought I'd ever be doing."

There are rumors that you are looking to move. Has that happened yet?

"We don't say, but we are planning to move at some point and it will be covered on the show. We've outgrown our house. But the show will go on."

Have you felt the economic crunch?

"We all have, but I have always cut coupons. I've always looked at the sale fliers and I've always planned my meals ahead of time. You know, long before gas prices went up and they were saying 'group your errands,' we were already doing that out of necessity."

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