Monday, January 12, 2009

Fergie & Josh Duhamel's Dubai Honeymoon a Babymoon?

The Ferghamels have liftoff.

Less than 24 hours after their fantasy nuptials, Fergie and Josh Duhamel were at LAX airport with bags in wedding-banded hand.

While the casually dressed couple appeared to be headed on a tropical honeymoon, the duo are planning to begin their husband-and-wife life in Dubai, before jetting off to an unknown island destination.

Meanwhile, it's already time to cue the baby rumors.

Despite the bride's tight, high-waisted jeans, a paparazzo dared to ask if The Dutchess was expecting.

"I'm pregnant with twins," Fergie, 33, joked.

The "Glamorous" star's mother, Terri Ferguson, talked to E! News' Ryan Seacrest this morning gushing about the event and saying her daughter has "never been pregnant," but that with all the rumors, "Josh's mother says, 'Would she hurry up and have that elephant,' it's such a long gestation period."

Uh-huh. We all know the truth is oft said in jest.

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