Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ann Curry Will Talk With Mother Of Octuplets

The Octuplet's Delivery Team

Ten days after giving birth to octuplets, Nadya Suleman visited her babies as she left a Southern California hospital Thursday and headed for her first interview with NBC's Ann Curry.

"She's holding up pretty well," her publicist, Mike Furtney, tells PEOPLE. "We've done our best to keep her from being bombarded personally. She's beginning to get her feet a little more on the ground, both as far as her medical condition and mentally gearing up for what's to come."

Suleman, who has six other children, was speaking to Curry at an undisclosed location in the Los Angeles area Thursday morning.

The interview will air on Today and Dateline in coming days.

In the past few days, Suleman has "spent a lot of time with the kids and held them," says Furtney. "That's part of the medical recommendation or regimen or whatever you want to call it. All mothers and their newborns like to start that as early as they can."

Also she's finally had time to seriously consider what her life will hold for her with 14 children.

"She's very bright and I think the realization is hitting her now," says Furtney. "She's thinking about how it compares to her former life. That was then and this is now."

She also plans to return frequently to the hospital to visit the babies, who are expected to remain there for weeks. "The little ones are doing great," says Furtney. "They're just marvels."

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