Thursday, December 4, 2008

Heidi Montag's Mom: I Give Her Marriage Six Months

Heidi Montag's mom opens up in the new issue of Us Weekly about her "devastation" over her perceived loss of her daughter to Spencer Pratt - whom, she says, may have even drugged Montag before their surprise Mexico elopement.

"He's manipulative and seems to have power over Heidi," Darlene Egelhoff, 46, told Us in an exclusive interview from her home in Crested Butte, Colorado the day after Montag, 22, blew off Thanksgiving with her family to stay with Pratt in Cabo San Lucas., the site of her Nov. 20 elopement. "I would like to see a blood test from Mexico. It wouldn’t surprise me if he had her drugged."

"Spencer has tried to cut everyone out of her life," Egelhoff tells Us. "I've been honest with Heidi, and it's caused our relationship to decline. I'm more devastated about that than the marriage, because I'm confident the marriage won't work out."
Egelhoff - who divorced Montag's dad when she was just 3 and admits she rushed into things too - says they used to be inseparable.

"She was my Velcro, always attached to me," says Egelhoff. "I want the best for my daughter - and he's definitely not it. I think Spencer wants to possess Heidi more than marry her."

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